Business Women Network

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Radio Schmadio

Well, I have made my radio debut on Blog Talk Radio. I am partnering with WAHM Addicts for a WAHM 101 radio show. It is amazing the comments that I have received about the program and hope you can all follow along. You can check it the past programs out at

Our first show was about analyzing your business and customer base. My second show was on financing and budgets.

Wow! Can I tell you how much I hate talking about money. It is never easy to budget and manage your business, but necessary.

If we like it or not, the most important step to success is organization. I am not talking just about blackberries, outlook and calendars, but also spreadsheets, Quickbooks and understanding where your money is coming from and going.

One of the biggest mistakes that one can make when running their business is co-mingling their funds. If you have thousands in your business account or $30, keeping the funds separate can only help you and your business, separate receipts, accounts, accounting sheets, etc.

It is easy to lose sight of your financial stability when funds are moving freely between your business and checking accounts.

If you are organizationally challenged and the task seems too daunting..... take a deep breath.
Give yourself a few goals every week to take your steps towards understanding you finances. Dec. 31st is a long way away.

But just as importantly, give yourself a break. Once you have made the steps to keep your finances in check, you need to relax. Yes, some of us may have debt for years, but as long as we are paying our payments and not continuing to spend, there is nothing else to do but to live your life. Don't let your business finances ruin the time spent with your loved ones.
Get your work done, then go live your life.

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